‘The Leeds’ is partnering with the charity Made with Music to promote access to music for families. You will get to sing, listen and explore the sounds of the piano with your little ones in a relaxed environment! Choose from on of our three sessions: 3, 10 and 17 September.
For 0-5 year olds and their parents or carers led by Made with Music.
Made with Music
Made with Music believe that everyone should have access to live music. We are an award-winning charity providing accessible and inclusive music making activities including mini-gigs, workshops, performances, ensembles and classes. We love working with partners to create new and exciting activities for families, and we’re excited to work with Leeds International Piano Competition to provide early years classes and family singing sessions this year. We base our work on the social model of disability, removing as many barriers as possible to accessing music. You can find out more about our work at www.madewithmusic.co.uk